This is my work area. Its a simple round table with those vinyl picnic clothes you can find at Wal-Mart.
I ripped it in half: one-half taped to the table, the other half clipped to a tri-folding backdrop I made of cardboard and
duct tape. Whole set up was easy and works well. This is during a construction phase so I have my cutting pad
out, along with pictures hanging on the backdrop and plenty of cutting, drilling, puttying, and sanding accessories around.

This is my setup for taking photographs of the models. I use a few
flood lights bouncing off some white foamcore to produce some indirect lighting. I like GE Reveal lights (even
though my digicam has a white balance). They are like the photographing blue lights (that provide near sunlight conditions)
but are considerable cheaper and last longer. I don't touch up my photos on any software for fear of screwing them up
any further. I shoot with a Canon S40. Great all around camera but macro function could be better. I shoot
on a mini flexible tripod, no flash, custom white balance, macro function on, with a two second timer (to avoid shaking).
I drape a medium size piece of construction paper (that coordinates with the models color scheme) behind the model to provide
a seamless background.